Maths by Month – March (updated 2020)
Category : About Operation Maths
Welcome to the March installment in this series of posts designed to explore the Operation Maths topics on a month-by-month basis, giving teachers greater insights into the concepts at hand, when they are most relevant.
While each monthly overview will specifically zone in on the Operation Maths topics for that particular month, the information and suggestions will be relevant to ALL primary teachers, whether they are Operation Maths users or not.
HINT: To ensure you don’t miss out on any future Maths by Month blog-posts, please subscribe to the Operation Maths blog via email, on the top right hand of this page.
Another way to keep up to date an all new maths-related developments is to like/follow the Edco Primary Maths page on Facebook and/or Twitter
Pssst! The Edco Primary Publications launches for 2020 will be taking place around the country during March and April. As well as launching their new programmes, Litriú an Lae and My Learner ID, they will also be showcasing Explore with Me, Let’s Talk Literacy, Bua na Cainte, Operation Maths, Number Facts and other Edco publications. Click on the link above for more information and to register.
Operation Maths for Junior Infants to Sixth Class:
- Junior Infants: Representing and Interpreting Data (week 1), exploring aspects of Shape and Space via 2D shapes, 3D objects and spatial awareness (week 2), and developing an understanding of the concept of Time via sequencing of familiar daily events and the days of the week (week 3).
- Senior Infants: Length, Analysis of Number (Numeration) looking at the number ten; Comparing and Ordering and Combining and Partitioning amounts to up to ten. They will also further consolidate their understanding of Pattern (Algebra) and graphs (Representing and Interpreting Data) via linked activities.
- First Class: Length, Operations (addition and subtraction without renaming) and Fractions.
- Second Class: Operations (addition, without and with renaming, and subtraction without and with renaming, the latter of which is new content while the other material will be revision of first class work); Length (including the formal introduction of the centimeter as a standard unit of measure).
Teachers of Infants to Second Class: if you have not yet recorded the results of the Operation Maths End of February Assessments please check out the Excel Record Spreadsheets to accompany the assessments in the Assessment Booklets; if you have any suggestions for how to improve these, please leave them here.
- Third class: Area, Multiplication & Division and Symmetry
- Fourth class: Money, Area and Symmetry
- Fifth class: Area, Addition & Subtraction and Directed Numbers
- Sixth class: Money, Directed Numbers and Area
Operation Maths users can also access a class specific, month-by-month list of relevant links and online resources via the Weblinks document, accessible on
- Log into your edcolearning account
- Click on the At School Book/Pupil’s Book for your class level.
- Click on the Edco Resources icon (on book cover image on left-hand side)
- Select Weblinks from list of categories and then click to download the document.
- Also accessible on are the custom-made digital resources to support these topics. These will all be viewable when you click on the Edco Resources icon as directed above.
HINT: If you are new to Operation Maths this year or have changed class level, be sure to check out the Quick Start Guide to the Operation Maths books and the companion Quick Start Guide to the Operation Maths Digital Resources
Don’t forget that Operation Maths also has you covered for planning whether you’re teaching a single class or multi-class.
Other suggestions for March:
Engineer’s Week runs from 29th Feb to 6th March. There are obvious connections between Maths and Engineering, a fact which is being celebrated by the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) movement globally. Click on the link above to access lots of ideas to help you organise fun challenges that create a positive awareness and spark enthusiasm about the engineering profession in young people.
- Of the STEM areas, coding is one of the most exciting, not least of all to kids! And Operation Maths is the only Irish maths programme that has integrated coding activities via the Scratch Lessons for Operation Maths 3-6. Check out the scratch lessons that are included in the Operation Maths digital resources via your TRB or
- For infants, the Aistear Themes are an ideal way to explore STEM using a thematic focus; consult the Junior and Senior Infants TRB for the monthly Aistear suggestions.
- For some more primary-focused STEM activities, check out the links below:
- World Book Day is on the first Thursday of March, and while the primary resources accessible on the site are mainly literacy linked, there are numeracy ideas also, including “Not Another Maths Book” activity sheet. Other numeracy and literacy linked suggestions for this global celebration include:
- Carry out a survey to find out the favourite books / authors of the children in your class. Or choose a page from a book. Work out the average number of words per sentence. Both of these are included among many other suggestions from Teaching Ideas for World Book Day.
We’re here to help!
If you have any questions on Operation Maths, Number Facts or anything related to primary maths over the course of the school year, please PM or contact Edco Primary Maths via Facebook and/or Twitter