Understanding maths, not just doing maths…the Operation Maths way!
Category : About Operation Maths
Operation Maths is a pioneering new maths programme for junior infants to sixth class.
Written by a team of six experienced teachers, Operation Maths is built on a concrete, pictorial, abstract approach, or CPA approach, (based on Jerome Bruner’s conception of the enactive, iconic and symbolic modes of representation) which research has consistently shown to be the most effective instructional approach to enable students to acquire a thorough understanding of the concepts required.
This blog post, and future posts, will explain some of the various features of the Operation Maths programme as well as outlining further ways in which this programme can be used to its full potential to enable your students to truly understand maths, not just do it!
Background & Research
As authors, we researched, and were inspired by, the maths books and schemes used in those countries which are the highest-ranking internationally in relation to attainment in primary maths, for example Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and Finland.
We also looked at best practice in New Zealand, Australia, Great Britain and the United States, as well as the recommendations of our own home-grown publications including the PDST handbooks, NCCA publications (e.g. Bridging Guidelines, Assessment Guidelines etc.) and programmes such as Aistear and Mata sa Rang.
Finally, this was blended with the requirements of our primary school curriculum, in order to create a scheme that is truly innovative in its approaches and strategies and the most forward-thinking maths programme currently available for the Irish market.
Programme Components
For pupils in infants to second class:
- At School Book
- At Home Book
- FREE Pupil Assessment Booklet
- FREE Mini-white board
- FREE Frames (five, ten or twenty frame)
For pupils in third class to sixth class:
- Pupils bo
- Discovery book
- FREE Pupil Assessment Booklet
- FREE Mini-white board
- FREE place value manipulative
For teachers of adopting schools:
FREE Teacher copies of all the relevant pupil resources
- FREE Teachers Resource Book (TRB) which contains all necessary plans, teaching strategies, photocopiables, games, starters etc.
- FREE access to all of the Operation Maths digital resources on edcolearning.ie, including ebooks, editable plans, and a whole suite of custom made videos and eManipulatives which greatly enhance the teaching and learning experience for both teachers and pupils.
Furthermore, Operation Maths is the most teacher-friendly and child-friendly programme currently available.